Sep 2016

Welcome to the Suburban Years

moving day - 9.25.16

For the past two weeks, I’ve been struggling with which restaurant to write up next on Gastronomy. I have a substantial queue of eateries to select from, but I can’t seem to focus on anything other than matters of the home. You see, we closed on our first house in late August, and since then, I’ve been positively consumed with renovations and decor.

I’ve been “pinning” furiously whenever I have a free moment, researching the “perfect” shade of gray paint (it’s Benjamin Moore’s Revere Pewter, by the way), contemplating the merits of brick versus tile fireplaces, and weighing the costs and benefits of refacing cabinets. You could say I am in real deep.

So rather than fight to find inspiration, I’m just gonna go with it, because it’s always best to write from a place of passion. I mean, I’m no Emily Henderson, but I’ll be sprinkling some home design stuff into our usual gastronomical mix. This is going to be fun (until the bank statements come in the mail).

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10 thoughts on “Welcome to the Suburban Years

  1. Yay! Congrats! Love reading about your adventures! Congrats on the new home! It’s a never ending project!

  2. Congrats! We’ve been in a quagmire of moving since late spring (I’ll spare you the details), and then I got hit with appendicitis and hospitalization in the middle of summer. Since then it’s been really hard to get back in the swing of writing (still eating though, but even that’s been somewhat cut back). I am barely keeping up on my event coverage and have been totally slacking on individual restaurant write-ups. But things will hopefully clear up soon!

    On a separate note, maybe after everything quiets down for both of us, we could go grab a bite to eat together. I feel like I’ve met almost all of the food writers, bloggers, photographers that I respect and follow, but we haven’t crossed paths yet! Let’s remedy that. 🙂

  3. Congratulations! So excited for you guys! May you be better at this than I am. We’ve been at this house for five years now, and my living room is still full of boxes. LOL.

  4. So exciting! Will be looking forward to seeing how your decorate your new home 🙂

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