Feb 2022

Musso & Frank Grill – Hollywood

Musso & Frank Grill - Hollywood

Back in October 2021, before the Omicron variant showed up and ravaged the globe, The Astronomer and I were feeling pretty optimistic about the pandemic and even planned an evening out that included dining indoors and attending a large-scale event. Ah, memories…

Musso & Frank Grill - Hollywood

We dined at Musso & Frank prior to catching Alanis Morissette at the Hollywood Bowl. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 25 years since the release of Jagged Little Pill — I can still remember rocking out to “You Oughta Know” like it was yesterday. Needless to say, it was a glorious evening for two aging millennials. To drink, The Astronomer had a beer, while I ordered a well-made Old Fashioned.

Musso & Frank Grill - Hollywood

A complimentary loaf of crusty sourdough accompanied by too-cold butter landed on the table first.

Jan 2022

2021: The Year In Eater Los Angeles

James Wang

Before diving head first into 2022 (it’s the second week of the new year, after all), a wistful look back at my favorite pieces on Eater LA from 2021. While I have deeply missed blogging regularly here, having the opportunity to share stories to a wider audience has been a welcomed challenge and a tremendous gift. Happy New Year!

Oct 2021

Bridgetown Roti – Los Angeles


One of my favorite ongoing series at Eater LA is a weekly feature called The Best Dishes Eater Editors Ate This Week. I hemmed and hawed for a solid 20 minutes trying to decide which dish on chef Rashida Holmes’s menu at Bridgetown Roti merited a nod on a recent roundup. Ultimately, I chose all the dishes. It’s impossible to play favorites with a menu so seriously stacked and skillfully prepared.

Bridgetown Roti - Los Angeles

In honor of #Goatober and chef Holmes’s fantastic cooking, here’s a rundown of all that’s good to eat at this Caribbean food business…

Bridgetown Roti - Los Angeles

Aunt Vie’s cod fish cakes ($8) are perfectly golden and served with a dainty dollop of garlic aioli and itty bitty chives.
