Apr 2021

Butter-Toasted Steel-Cut Oats with Dried Peaches

11th Anniversary - Steel-cut oats

The Astronomer and I celebrated our eleventh wedding anniversary this weekend. In line with tradition, I prepared something delicious inspired by antiquated anniversary gifts. Thus far in our marriage, The Astronomer has been gifted edible interpretations of PaperCottonLeatherFruitWoodSugar, WoolBronze, and Tin.

Since it is customary to bestow steel upon one’s beloved in recognition of the eleventh anniversary, I made butter-toasted steel-cut oats with dried peaches from Christopher Kimball’s “Fast and Slow” cookbook. To further elaborate on the theme, I prepared the recipe in an InstantPot made of steel while wearing a sweater that I stole from The Astronomer’s closet. The latter was June’s idea.

Every bowl of peachy oats was topped with a generous glug of maple syrup and a drizzle of almond milk, making for a rich and hearty late Saturday morning breakfast.

Feb 2021

Tết 2021: Not Your Grandma’s Bánh Chưng (Zoom Edition)

Banh Chung Collective 2021

For the ninth year running (check out previous festivities from 2013201520172018, and 2019), the Banh Chung Collective gathered before Tet to make banh chung. It was a virtual affair given the pandemic, but the spirit of the event was as wonderful as ever.

Banh Chung Collective 2021

The event kicked off with a soulful performance from Thao Nguyen of Thao and the Get Down Stay Down that set the tone for the day beautifully. The Astronomer and I were so deeply moved by the performance that we bought her latest album Temple right then and there.

Banh Chung Collective 2021

Participants picked up supplies and ingredients beforehand at Proof and Yang’s Kitchen and then together over Zoom chef Diep Tran demonstrated how to make the banh chung.

Nov 2020

Pandemic Prose

Medan Kitchen - Photo by Wonho Frank Lee

One of the unexpected upsides of the past couple of months has been growing as a writer. Finding new angles and exploring unexpected stories while reporting on the restaurant industry has been a tremendous challenge and a much-needed distraction. Here are a few pieces that I’m proud to have penned:
