Jun 2015

Lunch at The Pig & the Lady – Honolulu

Lunch at Pig & the Lady - Honolulu

The best meal from my trip to Honolulu last spring was at The Pig & the Lady. The Astronomer and I found Chef Andrew Le and Mama Le’s brand of Vietnamese-inflected island fare awesomely creative and delicious; we couldn’t wait to visit again on our next trip to Oahu.

Although my schedule was jam-packed with work commitments on my most recent return to the islands, I had to make time for another meal at this fabulous establishment.

Lunch at Pig & the Lady - Honolulu

I rounded up two hearty eaters (Hi, Thien and Kris) and we Uber’d to the restaurant for lunch. The space was packed considering it was a weekday, but we managed to squeeze in at the tail end of the lunch hour.

Pig & the Lady - Honolulu

Thien sipped on Papa Le’s Iced Coffee ($4), while Kris handled the Cobra Commander ($11). The former was plenty strong yet sweet, while the latter was spiked with avocado mezcal and pink-grapefruit liqueur and chilled with Sriracha ice.


Jun 2015

National Doughnut Day 2015: The 10 Best Doughnuts Ever

Doughnut Vault - Chicago

In recognition of National Doughnut Day, the only food holiday worth a hoot, I’ve rounded up my all-time favorite deep-fried delights! From filled Bismarcks to glazed rings and craggly old fashioneds, I’m forever on the hunt for doughnut perfection. Here are the very best specimens from my never-ending quest:

Dough - Brooklyn

Passion Fruit Bismarck from Dough in Brooklyn, NY

Mr. Churro - Los Angeles

Dulce de Leche Churro from Mr. Churro in Los Angeles, CA


Jun 2015

Champion Malasadas – Honolulu (Mo’ili’ili)

Champion Malasadas - Mo'ili'ili - Honolulu

Leonard’s Bakery may have malasadas on lock, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t lesser-known but worthy competitors in Honolulu. On a recent trip back to the islands for work, I carved out some time to visit Champion Malasada, a purveyor of Portuguese doughnuts with a notable reputation among the local set.

Champion Malasadas - Mo'ili'ili - Honolulu

Owned and operated by Joc Miw and his wife Sandra, Champion opened its doors in 1983 serving breakfast, pastries, and of course, malasadas. Joc, who hails from Macao (a Portuguese enclave in China), grew up eating malasadas and spent time working at Leonard’s before opening his own bakery.

Champion Malasadas - Mo'ili'ili - Honolulu

Champion’s malasadas ($0.80) are made using a recipe that Joc developed over the years. Whereas traditional malasadas are deep-fried just as soon as the dough is combined, Joc allows his dough to “age” some to avoid deflated, air-filled wares.

The resulting malasadas, always fried to order, have wonderfully crisp exteriors and pleasantly rich and chewy innards. Their unmistakably yeasty flavor plays well with their sugary coating. “No air” malasadas for the win!
