Sep 2015

New Flavor of India – Rosemead

New Flavor of India - Rosemead

The Astronomer is not the jealous type, except when it comes to weekday lunches. While he and his colleagues dine at various sports bars across El Segundo, my co-workers and I are spoiled by the San Gabriel Valley’s bounty. Lunchtime envy is real in our household.

New Flavor of India - Rosemead

In addition to fantastic Chinese and Vietnamese options in and around the office, there are solid Mexican restaurants and, as it turns out, Indian spots too.

New Flavor of India - Rosemead

Flavor of India, a relative newcomer to Rosemead, offers a $10 lunchtime buffet that my co-workers and I have been digging lately. Pro tip: Indian food comas can be seriously intense, so it’s best not to schedule any post-lunch meetings when this spot’s on the docket.


Aug 2015

Burritos La Palma – El Monte

Burritos La Palma - El Monte

Work has been busier than ever, which means lunching on leftovers most days while basking in the glow of my computer screen. It’s a highly productive routine, but a girl’s just gotta take a burrito break sometimes. Amirite? One recent Friday, I gathered a posse of burrito-loving colleagues and headed to El Monte. Both Bill and Jonathan have vouched for Burritos La Palma‘s muy excellente wares, so I knew we were in for a treat.

Burritos La Palma - El Monte

La Palma is a traditional burrito stand from Jerez, Zacatecas. According to Bill, the Bañuelos Lugo family opened the first one in 1980 on Las Palmas Street. This location is the mini-chain’s tenth total and the first in the U.S. 

Burritos La Palma - El Monte

Even though La Palma looks like a fast-casual establishment with its prominently displayed register and menu board, the restaurant offers full service at lunchtime. While our burritos were being made in the kitchen, a basket of chips and salsa kept us munching and happy. (more…)

Aug 2015

It’s It Ice Cream

It's It Ice Cream

It’s summer. It’s hot. It’s totally time for It’s It!

It's It Ice Cream

It’s from San Francisco. It’s two delicate oatmeal cookies and one scoop of ice cream, all dipped in dark chocolate. It’s the bee’s knees on a 90 degree day.

It's It Ice Cream

It’s difficult to say which flavor is my favorite. It’s coffee one day and mint the next. It’s hard to go wrong, really.
