Feb 2014

Jonathan Gold’s Scouting Report #3: East Borough

East Borough - Culver City

Straight outta Costa Mesa! Filing my third Scouting Report, “East Borough: When pasta gets the full-on pho treatment,” on the Los Angeles Times‘ Daily Dish.


Feb 2014

China Poblano – Las Vegas (The Cosmopolitan)

China Poblano - Las Vegas (The Cosmopolitan)

The Astronomer was itchin’ to hit the road following our pizza and pasta party at FIVE50, but I wasn’t quite ready to head home just yet.

Chef José Andrés’ China Poblano has been on my radar since it debuted in 2010, but lukewarm reports kept my interest in check over the years. However, the allure of noodles and tacos available under one glitzy roof proved too intriguing to resist on this trip. And thus, a second lunch was born.

China Poblano - Las Vegas (The Cosmopolitan)

“The restaurant’s name is a play on China Poblana, the legendary slave woman of Asian descent whose arrival in Mexico is supposed to have inspired the stereotypical ‘china dress‘ of the 19th century,” according to New York Times write up. “But in Mr. Andrés’s universe, the second ‘a’ in poblana has segued to an ‘o’ in homage to the mild Puebla chili pepper.”

In the same article, Chef Andrés was quoted saying, “I am afraid of Chinese cooking, doing it authentically, that is… So before I did a full Chinese restaurant, I thought I’d do one that is half and half.”

China Poblano - Las Vegas (The Cosmopolitan)

Upon entering the restaurant, The Astronomer and I grabbed two seats on the Chinese side, a “steamer-rich kitchen” where cooks were filling and folding dumplings. Across the room was a separate squad making fresh tortillas on griddles.


Feb 2014

Food Lovers’ Guide on Forkin’ Amazing

In which we discuss The Verdugos, Mama’s Lu, Pie ‘n Burger, Pa Ord, Lucky Noodle King, Chengdu Taste, and my mom calling me a pussy. Thank you to Dominic Riley and Jenn Harris for making me feel right at home on this week’s Forkin’ Amazing! Fun starts at 17 minutes.